Investment For Sale Leicester
Under Offer
5,793 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
The property is located on Grove Business Park, Leicester's prime out of town office park located immediately adjacent to Junction 21 (M1) at its intersection with the M69. Access across the county is excellent with the A46, A50 and the A563, providing access to the City Centre. The property overlooks Grove Park lake, with outdoor space and public footpath leading to the local amenities at Everards Meadow and Fosse Park, a major out of town retail complex within the East Midlands. A park and ride is located adjacent to the business park.
A Modern Self Contained Detached Two Storey Office Premises Built Approximately 2000. The Accommodation Is Constructed Around A Central Core Which Provides Entrance Reception And Wcs To Both Floors. The Offices Are Constructed To Provide Open Plan Accommodation Over Both Floors, Currently Fitted By The Existing Occupier To Provide Provide Open Plan Accommodation At Ground Floor, With Kitchen, And Director Suite At First Floor. The Specification Includes: + Suspended Ceilings With Inset Led Lighting Throughout + Air Conditioning + Gas Central Heating + Raised Access Floors + Good Levels Of Natural Light + Attractive Position Overlooking Lake + Good Access To Amenities + Self Contained Parking Forecourt (29 Marked Spaces)