0) { $query_item = sprintf("SELECT * FROM items left join customer on itemCustomerId=customerId WHERE itemId = %s order by itemId desc", GetSQLValueString($itemId, "int")); // echo $query_item; $rsitem = $shop->query($query_item); $row_item = $rsitem->fetch_assoc(); $totalRows_item = mysqli_num_rows($rsitem); //echo $query_item.$totalRows_item; $type = 'P'; } $cartid = GetCartId(); //recent visit? $query_customer = sprintf("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customerCookieId= %s", GetSQLValueString($cartid, "text")); //echo $query_customer; $customer = $shop->query($query_customer); $row_customer = $customer->fetch_assoc(); $totalRows_customer = mysqli_num_rows($customer); //echo $query_customer.' '.$totalRows_customer; if ($totalRows_customer > 0 and !$userok) { //echo 'cartset'; $name = $row_customer['customerName']; $company = $row_customer['customerCompany']; $custemail = $row_customer['customerEmail']; if ($row_customer['customerQ7'] > '') $message = $row_customer['customerQ7']; $location = $row_customer['customerQ1']; $telephone = $row_customer['customerTel']; $budget = $row_customer['customerQ2']; $businesstype = $row_customer['customerQ3']; $preferredviewing = $row_customer['customerQ4']; $lengthlease = $row_customer['customerQ5']; $timescale = $row_customer['customerQ6']; } //echo 'x'.$type.$shortlist; if (!$type > '') { if ($itemId > 0 or $shortlist or isset($_GET['shortlist'])) //ger for first time $type = 'P'; else $type = 'C'; } //$type='P'; //test if (isset($_GET['location']) and !$location > '') $location = makesafe($_GET['location']); //force if (isset($_GET['type']) and $_GET['type'] > '') $type = makesafe($_GET['type']); if ($type == 'P' and $row_item['customerAccountId'] == 5) //we manage $page = 21; else if ($type == 'P') $page = 20; else if ($type == 'T') { $page = 22; mail('jamie@jamie-fraser.co.uk', 'Boxpod Trial clicked ' . $cartid, 'http://www.boxpodcommercialproperty.co.uk/admin32/mis/visitor.php?cid=' . $cartid); // mail('nick@boxpod.co.uk','Boxpod Trial clicked '.$cartid,'http://www.boxpodcommercialproperty.co.uk/admin32/mis/visitor.php?cid='.$cartid); //mail('davidwyatt@indigoappointments.co.uk','Boxpod Trial clicked '.$cartid,'http://www.boxpodcommercialproperty.co.uk/admin32/mis/visitor.php?cid='.$cartid); } else if ($type == '' or $type == 'C') $page = 6; else if ($type == 'A') $page = 19; if ($page > 0) { $query_Recordset2 = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `general` WHERE recId = %s", $page); //echo $query_Recordset2; $Recordset2 = $shop->query($query_Recordset2); $row_Recordset2 = $Recordset2->fetch_assoc(); $totalRows_Recordset2 = mysqli_num_rows($Recordset2); } $query_Recordset = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `general` WHERE recId = %s", $page); $Recordset = $shop->query($query_Recordset); $row_Recordset = $Recordset->fetch_assoc(); $totalRows_Recordset = mysqli_num_rows($Recordset); if ($test) { echo 'vars
' . $name; echo '
' . $custemail; echo '
' . $telephone; echo '
' . $message; } ?> Contact Us | Boxpod

Contact Boxpod

Please contact us if you need any further information.

If you are a potential tenant looking for property please carry out a search using the link below where you will find contact information on the righthand side when viewing each individual property listing.

Office address:

Boxpod Ltd 43A Main Street
Kibworth Harcourt

Telephone Number:

0116 403 0123

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Contact Boxpod

Please contact us if you need any further information.

If you are a potential tenant looking for property please carry out a search using the link below where you will find contact information on the righthand side when viewing each individual property listing.

Office address:

Boxpod Ltd Burley View
Hambleton Road
LE15 8AE

Telephone Number:

0116 403 0123