Retail/Shop To Let Dundee
2,999 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
Dundee is Scotland's fourth largest city with an estimated population of 145,000 and a catchment population in the region of 515,000. The city is the regional centre for commerce, retailing and employment within Tayside, and is located on the east coast of Scotland with Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow all within 90 minutes' drive time. More precisely, the subjects are situated on the east side of Gellatly Street within the heart of Dundee city centre. The subjects lie within a mixed commercial area with neighbouring operators including a public house, newsagent, bookmakers, takeaway and the likes. Upper floor accommodation is predominantly residential in its use. Gellatly Street multi-storey car park is located a short distance to the south of the property. The approximate location is shown by the OS plan.
The Subjects Comprise A Retail Unit Laid Out Over Ground And Basement Floor Levels. The Property Is Contained Within A Four Storey, Attic And Basement Tenement Building. Access To The Property Is Via A Single Pedestrian Entrance Door Accessed Directly Off The Street Level. Internally The Subjects Offer Retail Accommodation At Ground Floor Over A Split Level. General Configuration Is Reasonably Regular In Its Shape, Bright, Modern And Well Presented. Basement Accommodation Is Utilised For Storage Purposes Only. The Subjects May Suit A Variety Of Commercial Uses, Subject To The Appropriate Consents.