Other For Sale Faringdon
0 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
Freehold. Commercial development opportunity for up to 1,500sq.m/16,146sq.ft of B1 & B8 units* with parking at Sands Hill, Faringdon in southwest Oxfordshire.
Site Description
The site is clearly visible from the A420 Oxford/Swindon Road and lies approx. 0.7 mile south of Faringdon town centre. Access is via Park Road and then Sands Hill. The site formerly housed a concrete works and associated premises which have since been cleared. The site overall covers approximately 9 acres (3.67ha). The outline consented area for commercial development covers approx. 0.67 of an acre/2,715sq.m.  
*Planning permission 
The overall permission granted is for the &ldquoOutline planning application with all matters reserved (other than access into the site) for the proposed mixed use development of up to 95 residential dwellings and business space (Use Classes B1 and B8) (totalling 1,500 sqm), open space, landscaping, drainage measures and all other associated works&rdquo. The decision notice and related plans can be seen at
Condition 6. of the Decision Notice states &ldquoThat Business Units as identified on the approved plans shall only be used for B1/B8 use and shall not be used for any other purpose, including any other purpose within Class E [Commercial, Business & Service] of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended (or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument amending or revoking and re-enacting that Order), without the prior grant of planning permission. Reason To define the planning permission, and to ensure the delivery of the employment Use Class B1/B8 in accordance with the Core Policy 28 of the Local Plan 2031 Part 1&rdquo.  
Sales pack
A sales pack containing approvals, plans and associated documents is available via the following Dropbox link
Price guide 
Offers in the region of £500,000 are sought. 
Local Planning & Rating Authority
Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon
OX14 3JE    
Tel 01235 422 422
By prior appointment only with the sole agent, Green & Co Commercial and Development Agency, during usual business hours Monday to Friday only. Tel. 01235 773417 ref OM or email oliver.martin@greenand.co.uk . Please note that the agent will not take any responsibility for any loss or injury caused whilst carrying out a site visit. 
Post code SN7 7PQ or what3words fully.differ.kiosk
Turn off the A420 at Faringdon at the Park Road roundabout and then approx. 0.33 of a mile, turn left onto Sands Hill and follow the road for approx. down until you find the site entrance on your right.