


Retail/Shop For Sale Derby
Under Offer
550 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
The subject premises occupy a prominent, egde of city centre, location at the junction with Monk Street and Forman Street immediately opposite the Abbey Street Pay & Display Car Park.
The Premises
The property comprises an end of row building of traditional red brick construction beneath a hipped and pitched roof.
The ground floor comprises a corner sales shop with display frontage to both Monk Street and Foreman Street, Kitchen/ storage room and further store with WC off.
A separate entrance door provides access to an internal staircase which, in turn, provides access to a self- contained one bedroom flat.
Whilst the display window frames are of timber construction, the remaining windows to the ground and first floor are of UPVC double glazed units.
There is no heating installation and some works of renovation and improvement are required.
The premises have been measured on a Net Internal Area (NIA) basis in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 6th Edition.
Ground Floor
Sales Area                  355 sq ft ( 33 sq m)
Staffroom/Kitchen     127 sq ft ( 12 sq m)
Store                            67 sq ft ( 6.2 sq m)
WC off
First Floor
Lounge                       18‘0&rdquo x 11‘5&rdquo (5.5 x 3.5m) max
Kitchen                       13‘9&rdquo x 11‘5&rdquo (4.2 x 3.5m) max
Shower Room                   
Bedroom                     11‘10&rdquo x 11‘2&rdquo (3.6 x 3.4m)
Measurements and floor areas are provided for guidance only and should not be relied upon by interested parties.
We believe that mains water, electricity and drainage
Non-Domestic Rates
We have established from the Valuation Office website that the premises are assessed for Non Domestic Rates as follows
Shop and Premises         Rateable value £2,950
The current multiplier is  0.499.
You can get small business rate relief if
- your property‘s rateable value is less than £15,000 and
- your business only uses one property - you may still be able to get relief if you use more
You will not pay business rates on a property with a rateable value of £12,000 or less, if that‘s the only property your business uses.
All rating information should be verified with the Rating Department at Derby City Council who can be reached on 01332 293111.
Town & Country Planning
We believe that the premises have the benefit of a permitted use falling within Class E of the Town & Country (Use Classes) Order 2020.
However, interested parties should make their own enquiries of Derby City Council Planning Department to verify that this is the current position.
The property is offered for sale freehold with full vacant possession.
Value Added Tax
All figures are quoted net of VAT.
Identity checks
In order to comply with anti-money laundering legislation, the successful tenant will be required to provide certain identification documents.