Office For Sale Grantham
7,651 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
29-31 Avenue Road comprise a terrace of 3 former large Residential Dwellings latterly converted into a single property currently used as Office accommodation. The buildings are not Listed nor are they situated within the established Conservation Area and are of mixed brick and stone construction under pitched slate roof coverings. Car parking is provided to the rear of the properties accessed via a shared driveway off Grove End Road. The accommodation is spread across 4 floors, to include a large Basement area where space to the rear elevation benefits from windows and access to the Car Park. Gas-fired and electric heating is provided to the majority of the buildings and where we believe potential exists for either sub-division of the current buildings to form smaller self-contained Offices, or for the redevelopment of the properties to Residential Apartments on a subject to planning basis. The buildings are available solely DUE TO RELOCATION and will be available from early 2025 when our clients, Chattertons, relocate to alternative Premises on Avenue Road.
Bullets Points 1 Town Centre Terrace Office Accommodation With Parking To The Rear Bullets Points 2 Accommodation Over 4 Floors Having Total Nia Approx 7,651 Sq Ft / 712 Sq M Bullets Points 4 Car Parking Available To The Rear Buildings Are Not Listed Freehold Office Premises Suitable For Redevelopment - Available Solely Due To Relocation. 29 - 31 Avenue Road, Grantham Ng31 5th For Sale: £695,000 Freehold | 7,651 Sq Ft | 712 Sq M Brochure Header Freehold Office Premises Suitable For Redevelopment - Available Solely Due To Relocation