Industrial Unit To Let Perth
Industrial Unit
33,101 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
The city of Perth has a resident population of approximately 46,000 persons, with the population of the surrounding catchment area estimated to be in the region of 130,000. Perth is situated approximately 20 miles west of Dundee, 40 miles north of Edinburgh and 60 miles north east of Glasgow lying at the hub of Central Scotland's road network. More precisely, the subjects are situated within the Harbour area of the city, off the east side of Shore Road. The property has excellent access to the city centre and the M90 which provides access to Scotland's major road network. Surrounding operators are mixed commercial in nature.
The Subjects Comprise A Substantial Industrial/warehouse Facility With Its Own Private And Dedicated Yard Situated At The Rear Of The Building. There Is A Dedicated Parking And Loading Area Situated To The Front Of The Property. The Subjects Are Of Steel Frame Construction And Clad Externally. The Property Is Served By Various Vehicle And Pedestrian Entrance Doors. Internally Accommodation Is Regular In Shape And Open Plan. Wc And Staff Facilities Are Contained Within Shed 2. Subject To The Necessary Consents, The Property Does Allow For Sub-division Providing 2 Separate Units. Further Information Available From The Sole Letting Agents.