Industrial Unit To Let Bristol
Industrial Unit
196,020 sq.ft
Property Details
The site is located towards the northern end of the Avonmouth industrial area, adjacent to the Chittening Industrial Estate on Chittening Road. The location benefits from close proximity to the motorway network, being just 3 miles from Junction 18 of the M5 and less than 10 miles from both the M4 and the Second Severn Crossing. Bristol City Centre is approximately 10 miles to the South East, via the A4 Portway. The property is close to the extensive facilities provided at Bristol Port, being 2 miles from the entrance to Avonmouth Docks and 7 miles from Royal Portbury Dock, one of the largest deep water ports in the UK. The property forms part of the Avonmouth Severnside Enterprise Area; an industrial location of international significance, covering some 1,800 hectares. The area hosts large-scale industrial, warehouse and distribution, energy and waste processing uses, in addition to the activities of the port and its associated storage, distribution and support facilities. Companies trading in the vicinity of the property include DHL, Esso, The Range, Amazon and LIDL.
Open Storage / Development Opportunity (subject To Planning) The Landlord Is Seeking Planning Consent For B8 Storage & Distribution Uses. The Landlord Proposes To Surface And Lease The Site But Will Consider Interest From Developers Requiring A Long-leasehold Interest. The Site Is Located Towards The Northern End Of The Avonmouth Industrial Area, Adjacent To The Chittening Industrial Estate On Chittening Road. The Location Benefits From Close Proximity To The Motorway Network, Being Just 3 Miles From Junction 18 Of The M5 And Less Than 10 Miles From Both The M4 And The Second Severn Crossing. Bristol City Centre Is Approximately 10 Miles To The South East, Via The A4 Portway. The Property Is Close To The Extensive Facilities Provided At Bristol Port, Being 2 Miles From The Entrance To Avonmouth Docks And 7 Miles From Royal Portbury Dock, One Of The Largest Deep Water Ports In The Uk. The Property Forms Part Of The Avonmouth Severnside Enterprise Area; An Industrial Location Of International Significance, Covering Some 1,800 Hectares. The Area Hosts Large-scale Industrial, Warehouse And Distribution, Energy And Waste Processing Uses, In Addition To The Activities Of The Port And Its Associated Storage, Distribution And Support Facilities. Companies Trading In The Vicinity Of The Property Include Dhl, Esso, The Range, Amazon And Lidl. Subject To Planning, The Property Is Suitable For E G Iii (light Industrial), B2 (general Industrial) And B8 (storage And Distribution) Uses Under The Town & Country Planning (use Classes) Order 1987. Prospective Tenants Should Make Their Own Enquiries Of The Local Planning Authority, Bristol City Council (telephone 0117 922 2000). Not Applicable.