Retail/Shop To Let Derby
4,481 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
Market Place is one of the main pedestrianised retail pitches in Derby city centre and forms part of the Cathedral Quarter Business Improvement District.
The street provides a number of high-quality niche retail occupiers, professional services firms, bars, coffee shops, restaurants and public houses within a characterful and historic setting close to Derby Cathedral.
The property is prominently located on the west side of Market Place at the junction with Sadler Gate. Nearby occupiers include Nandos, BEAR and Betfred.
The Subject is situated close to the Victorian Market Hall which is currently undergoing a multi-million-pound redevelopment to create a destination venue with various stalls, a food court and entertainment space. Other notable developments nearby include the planned redevelopment of the Assembly Rooms site, the refurbishment of the Guildhall and the imminent construction of the new 3,500 capacity venue at Becketwell.
The unit comprises a substantial three/four-storey retail shop having a large, glazed retail frontage to Market Place that returns to Sadler Gate.
Internally the unit provides open plan retail sales over ground and first floor with ground floor WC. The upper floors provide various stores, WC and a kitchen. The specification includes laminate floors, painted plaster walls, suspended ceilings and timber sash windows.
We understand that electric, water, drainage and air conditioning services are connected to the property.
We are advised that VAT is not applicable.
The VOA website indicates the property has a ratable value of £30,000 in the 2023 rating list.
The premises are offered to let by way of new effectively full repairing and insuring lease terms for a negotiable term of years, subject to rent reviews were appropriate.
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs associated with the transaction.
An EPC is in preparation.
Two forms of ID and a recent utility bill must be shown by the occupier.
The premises have planning consent for retail ‘E‘ use. Other uses may be permitted (subject to planning).