Office For Sale Edinburgh
1,540 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
The subjects are located within Scotland's capital city of Edinburgh, which at present has a resident population of circa 515,000 persons and is considered one of the United Kingdom's strongest regional economies, comprising the country's commercial, cultural and political hub. The population is projected to increase to circa 585,000 by 2030. The property lies within a relatively central location within close proximity of Edinburgh City Centre. The location would be considered of a high value nature, particularly in terms of its residential appeal, lying within the Dean Village area of the City, a short distance to the north of Edinburgh's Commercial West End and City Centre amenities. In a recent survey Hawthorn Bank Lane was voted the most attractive street in the UK with its picturesque outlook over the water of Leith. The destination is popular with tourists during the summer with the property itself offering great visibility to a prospective business.
The Subjects Comprise A Ground And First Floor Premises As Part Of A Larger 3 Storey And Attic Brick-built Property Surmounted By A Pitched And Slate Roof. Access Can Be Taken Through The Double Timber Doors To The Front Of The Subjects Or Through The Fire Exit To The Rear. The Subjects Also Benefit From A Car Parking Facility Capable Of Accommodating 7 Vehicles In Clear Configuration. Internally The Open Plan Floorplates Have Been Sub-divided By Way Of Internal Partitions To Create Several Cellular Rooms, Currently Utilised As Consulting Rooms For Medical Purposes. The Property Could Readily Be Adapted For Use By A Variety Of Commercial Occupiers And Equally, In Our Opinion, Could Be Converted For Residential Use Subject, Of Course, To Requisite Planning Consents Being Obtained. Both Floors Can Be Accessed Separately And Therefore It Would Offer A Good Opportunity To Split In To Two Self-contained Units If A Prospective Purchaser So Wished.