Tips to Keep Your Industrial Unit as Energy Efficient as Possible

Here at Boxpod, we offer a range of different types of commercial properties to businesses looking for spaces to base themselves. These can include offices, retail units, and self-storage units, but some of the most popular amongst our customers are industrial units. These can be used for anything from storage to dispatch, and manufacturing, amongst other uses.

With energy prices unstable and with the potential of taking up an ever-greater percentage of a business’s outgoings, ensuring that its commercial property is as energy efficient as possible is more and more important. In addition to this, businesses are commonly looking to reduce their impact on the environment and waste as little energy as possible, so implementing energy-saving measures is essential.

In this article, we will look into some ideas to help businesses that are occupying industrial units become as energy efficient as possible, giving them more energy security, lower energy prices, and better ESG credentials.

Carry Out an Energy Audit

Before you carry out any changes, it is important to know where you are starting from, so we recommend carrying out an energy audit. This will show you firstly what is already working when it comes to energy efficiency, and secondly, what needs to be improved.

Carrying out an energy audit on a basic level can be very simple, and you can do this yourself. Start by considering issues that you or your staff have – the temperature of the unit or machinery efficiency issues, for example. Check when and where you are using the most energy and consider what you can do to save more energy in these areas, and take a walk around the building to get more details.

There are three general areas that you should concentrate on:

  • Building design – wall or floor insulation, double glazing, etc.
  • Equipment and machinery – the equipment that is used in the commercial property (appliances, motor tools, computers, etc.) as well as boilers, air conditioning systems, and heating systems.
  • Habits – the habits of those working in the commercial property such as turning appliances off when they are not in use, making sure that lights are turned off, and heating unoccupied areas.

If you prefer, you can also pay an energy audit professional to carry out the audit for you.

From the results of this audit, you can look into reducing the energy that is being wasted, thus, improving your business’s energy efficiency.

Equipment and Machinery

In most industrial units, there is a fair amount of equipment and machinery used. These can often be old and inefficient (from an energy use point of view). Make sure that you maintain them well, get them serviced when it is recommended, and upgrade machinery and equipment when required. It is surprising how much of a difference this can make when it comes to the amount of energy used to run your business.

In addition to the machinery and equipment used for operating your business, you should also think about computers, appliances such as washing machines, fridges, and microwaves, and ensure that you have an efficient boiler and cooling equipment if you have them.

Insulation and Renewable Energy Sources

One way that you can make a big difference to the energy efficiency of an industrial unit is with insulation. The insulation options that are available to commercial properties – and industrial units in particular, can often be limited due to the building type and, of course, the conditions required for the business’s operation.

It is worth remembering that insulation can keep the temperature of the room as consistent as possible – reducing the amount of heat both leaving the space, as well as coming in. A well-insulated building, therefore, will mean that heating or cooling costs can be reduced. Areas that can typically be insulated include the walls, floor, and roof, and you could also consider double or triple glazing on any windows or doors present.

Another great option that you have for reducing the amount that you are spending on energy and improving your green credentials is to use renewable energy sources. You could consider solar panels, a wind turbine, or installing geothermal systems, as well as looking at ways to harvest any energy that you might be producing in your operations and reusing it yourself (or sending it somewhere else).

Changing Habits

Habits can be difficult to change, but they are often inexpensive, potentially saving you a lot of energy (and money), making a huge difference. Some habits that you might be able to change easily include:

  • Turning lights off when no-one is in a space.
  • Turning appliances off at night.
  • Not leaving appliances and equipment on standby.
  • Ensuring that equipment is regularly serviced or upgraded.
  • Turning the heating off when there is no-one in the industrial unit (could use timers).
  • Using LED lighting.
  • Shopping around for the best energy prices.

One of the best ways to help people change their habits is by involving them in the first place. By asking them for their ideas, for example, people are generally more willing to get involved.

Regularly Review and Monitor

Once you have carried out your initial energy audit and implemented some of the changes to help boost your energy efficiency, it is important to continue. Make sure that you monitor how things are changing and keep an eye on your energy bills to ensure that you are staying energy efficient. You should also consider implementing new energy-saving measures as they become available and think about educating new members of staff about the energy-saving practices that you have in your business.

Final Thoughts

Energy efficiency is important for all businesses in today’s society, but it can be particularly difficult for businesses working in industrial units – mainly due to the building type and required working conditions.

Some of the ideas outlined in this article will be able to help you to reduce your energy bills, make your business more energy efficient, and be kinder to the environment.

If you have an industrial unit or other commercial property to rent, we can help you find your perfect tenant. So, whether you are a landlord or a business looking for a new commercial property, we can help you here at Boxpod, so why not get in touch?